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Stanisław Wysocki. Female sculpture in partially patinated bronze (cd)


EUR 5,906



Item number



Automatically generated translation (Google Translate):
Stanisław Wysocki (b. 1949). Female sculpture of partially patinated and polished bronze, mounted on a plinth of polished granite. Signed on the base 'Stan Wys, 8/8, 1999'. H. 64 cm. .

Stanislaw Wysocki, born in Ełk in Poland, studied at the Art Academy in Poznań and graduated in 1986 at the Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin as a student of J.H. Lona's. Residence in Henry Moore's studio in Perry Green, Hertfordshire, in 1990. Numerous exhibitions in Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, England and Turkey.
Sources from a private collection of modern art.

Original Description:
Stanisław Wysocki. Kvindeskulptur af delvis patineret bronze (cd)

Stanisław Wysocki (f. 1949). Kvindeskulptur af delvis patineret og poleret bronze, monteret på sokkel af poleret granit. Signeret på fodstykket 'Stan Wys, 8/8, 1999'. H. 64 cm. .

Stanislaw Wysocki, født i Ełk i Polen, studerede ved kunstakademiet i Poznań og fik afgangseksamen 1986 ved Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin som elev af J.H. Lonas. Ophold i Henry Moores studio i Perry Green, Hertfordshire, i 1990. Talrige udstillinger i Tyskland, Italien, Danmark, Sverige, England og Tyrkiet.
Hidrører fra privatsamling af moderne kunst.

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