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About bidding

To bid on items you need to be signed in – you can create a free customer account here. All you need to do next is find interesting lots – everything is sorted into various categories and you can also search for specific items.

At Lauritz.com you can bid in two different ways.

1) One way is to directly bid the next possible amount, be outbid, then bid again and you continue in this way until one party withdraws.

2) Or you can select the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a particular lot on our website. We call this service Max-bid.

You select the maximum bid you want to bid for the lot.

You click on 'Place bid'

You will be asked to confirm the bid.

Lauritz.com will then automatically bid each time you are outbid until the amount surpasses your pre-set limit. This service ensures that the computer does the bidding for you and that it will never bid over your maximum bid amount. It will always bid the least amount possible to outbid other bidders.

It is possible to change your Max-bid.

1) You can either raise it in case you decide to bid more for the lot, or in case you are outbid.

2) Or you can lower your Max-bid again as long as the auction has not reached your pre-set limit.

For example, if the current highest bid is 500 and you earlier have placed a Max-bid of 1,500, you can change your Max-bid to 1,000.

You will never bid yourself up.

Can two customers place the same Max-bid?

Max-bid works on a first come, first serve basis. For example, if two customers place a bid of precisely the same amount, the one that was placed first will ultimately win the auction. This means that an interested buyer who places a Max-bid of 1,500 on a lot will ultimately win over a direct bid of the same amount placed at a later date, because the Max-bid was registered first. Have two customers placed the same Max-bid, both bids will be shown in the Prior bids list, the decisive factor is again the time the bid was placed.

Lauritz.com is committed to ensuring confidentiality and security with regard to its customers’ personal information so that our customers can enjoy a sense of security when making use of the Max-bid service. This is why only a few selected Lauritz.com system administrators have access to this information. System administrators are not permitted to bid on Lauritz.com lots.

Information about your bid via e-mail

You will receive an e-mail from Lauritz.com when you bid, if you are outbid, and if you win the auction. However, Lauritz.com cannot be held responsible for external factors delaying or preventing the e-mail from reaching you.

Please note that if you are outbid within the last remaining minutes of an auction it is possible that you will not manage to get the e-mail informing you about this before the end of the auction. Therefore we recommend that you personally participate in the last minutes of the auction to avoid disappointment.

In some categories there are hidden reserve prices

The reserve price is invisible to the bidder. If bids appear red in the bidding history, it means that the bid does not reach the seller's reserve price. As soon as a bid reaches the reserve price or goes above it, the bid will appear in black in the bidding history. This means that red numbers denote bids that aren’t high enough.

The final two bids before reaching the reserve price will appear in red and bold in the bidding history. In addition, the bidder will be informed via the bid confirmation that their bid is close to the reserve price.

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