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Before you buy

Lauritz.com only offers items for sale that have been described and valued by our own specialists. The specialists describe the items factually and objectively in good faith.

Since all lots are sold as quality used items or equivalent, normal wear and tear and any smell from e.g. a smoker home are not described. We try to describe or photograph any defects and flaws beyond those caused by normal wear and tear.

A single lot only comprises several pieces if there is a logical connection between these. For larger suites of furniture and sets of glassware or porcelain to be accepted in our online catalogue they need to have a higher expected hammer price than single items – as a rule EUR 650 for larger suites of furniture and EUR 400 for larger sets of glassware or porcelain.


If, after the sale has taken place, it is acknowledged that the lot description was vitiated by significant mistakes or flaws, or that the item was in considerably worse condition than presumed, you have the right to annul the purchase and the purchase price will be fully reimbursed, or you will receive an appropriate price reduction.

Condition reports

Lauritz.com offers condition reports to customers providing information on the state and condition of Auktionshuset.com lots when these are valued at over DKK/SEK/NOK 5,000, EUR 650.


All specialists at Lauritz.com involved in grading diamonds (i.e. describing colour, carat and clarity) have completed an intensive, internal training course to ensure that grading is professionally carried out.

Read more about diamonds here...


At Lauritz.com we do not only sell young wines but also older wines that are not available for sale in the shops. Wine – and in particular older wine – is a sensitive product. Therefore Lauritz.com cannot guarantee the drinkability of the wine we sell. In the case of wine, only the label and bottle condition are described. Read more about wine...


If a lot number consists of two or more items, this is noted in brackets at the end of the description, e.g. Dining room chairs (6).

The term 'pair' designates 2 identical objects such as a pair of chairs. In this case the number of items is still added in brackets.

With regard to framed pictorial art, frames are not catalogued or appraised. There can be exceptions if a frame is particularly rare or special, or if it has been produced by a known framer.

For items with a keyhole or lock it is stated in the lot description whether or not a key is included.

Artists and attributions

The following applies to lots sold at auction on Lauritz.com.

Description: Martinus Rørbye, 1803-1848

Indicates an original work of art by the artist. Auktionshuset.com guarantees authenticity in accordance with the conditions of purchase.

Limited warranty

The following reservations are made in the lot descriptions according to Lauritz.com’s best knowledge, and only serve as a guideline for the buyer. They are in no way a guarantee and are not subject to legal claims.

Description: Martinus Rørbye 1803-1848 (attributed).

The work of art is likely to date from the time of the artist and may have been created by him/her.

Description: After Martinus Rørbye

The work is unsigned but is a copy of an original work by the artist.


Sign. – Original artist’s signature

30/125 – Picture number and print run

SP – Same place

UF – Unframed

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